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Solarverse Foreward

This is a foreward to a book series Ive been working on for about, embarrassed to say, like 8 years now. If it's going to get done, I just have to do it and stop waiting around for perfection right? Please let me know what you think in the comments. Full story coming soon.

I’ve never taken the time to record my story. I always thought that I would literally exist forever. But here I am, sitting in the center of the Solar Plexus inside of the Quartz of Life where every story of every being born in this Plexus has been recorded. As I stare into the crystallized walls I can see a glow among its bonds, a glow of an infinite number of memories, and now it’s time to add my own. I can’t remember where or how I was born because I have been alive for so long. I don’t even remember what I looked like as a child. For eons I have watched birth and death, yet for some reason, the lifetimes I’ve watched convinced me that I was immune to death. I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve outlived so many, or because I couldn’t remember my birth to feel mortal.

I am Asase. I am a Supreme Being of the Earth in the Solar Plexus.

Eons ago, I met my soulmate Nyambe, we lived in another galaxy far away from here. We used to travel among the different worlds and galaxies together to learn about the native souls of each space. It was frowned upon in our galaxy to integrate with souls of other worlds because of their different frequencies. So Nyambe and I decided to make a galaxy of our own, where we could coexist peacefully with as many different souls as we wanted without having fear of punishment from our home world. Thousands of us came together and formed a group, we called ourselves the Supreme Beings.

We decided to call our galaxy the Chakra Plexus. Because there were so many of us at different frequencies, we couldn’t comfortably live under the same light source for long periods of time. So we decided to divide our galaxy into nine different sections, that we called plexuses or systems. Each Plexus was divided by the color of the suns and stars that vibrated in that space, the colors of the suns in that space controlled the frequencies of that galaxy. The temperament of the souls, the different physical forms that can be produced, the temperature of the plexus, among many other characteristics were dependent upon the frequencies the suns and stars gave off.

The Mizizi Plexus was created with red suns and stars in its frequencies. The wavelengths in that system causes it to be the coldest plexus in our galaxy. The Mizizians are a bit short tempered, and they focus mainly on surviving, they do not socialize much. The Sacral Plexus was made with orange suns and stars. It’s slightly warmer, so there’s more diversity in the physical forms the souls could create. The Solar Plexus is the Plexus Nyambe and I created together, we made it with yellow suns and stars. The Upendo Plexus had green suns and stars. The souls there are much more pleasant than any other system. They tend to focus on their happiness at an extreme level at all times, out of fear of feeling a negative emotion at the same extremity. The Koo Plexus had blue suns and stars, and the Ajna Plexus had indigo suns and stars. Both of their planets were very hot. The physical forms of those planets were very dark abnormally strong, and thick skinned. The souls on those worlds were very wise and some even remember their births and deaths, they were also so calm that they appeared melancholy. The Taji Plexus was the hottest of them all, with violet suns and stars. Physical forms didn’t exist in this Plexus because of the heat. The souls spent their time manipulating the lights and frequencies to create their structures. The Candida Plexus, was the plexus with the white suns and stars. It was too bright for any visitor to see or hear when in that space. A visitor also couldn’t see the Ailopin Plexus, where the suns and stars were black. When someone is visiting in either of these frequencies, their basic senses are disabled, so it is hard to say what the temperatures or physical forms are like in those realms.

In the center of each of our Plexuses is a large crystal quartz pyramid. In this quartz lies all of the histories and information of every soul in its Plexus. They form a circle around a larger quartz pyramid that hovers above us all. In this pyramid lies the collection of information of all the pyramids. It is also common grounds where all the souls from the different systems meet to discuss our issues, disagreements, our joys, events, and achievements. We were very proud of the galaxy that we created together. We created our own version of peace.

The souls in each galaxy had their own methods of building their habitat, but Nyambe and I designed a beautiful world garden in our Solar Plexus. I put together the dust and dirt, and formed worlds of different sizes, shapes, textures, and temperatures. My brother Olokun, and his two children, Shango and Mujaji along with souls from different worlds came together and made the bodies of water on each world. The waters they made came in different colors, thicknesses, ingredients, functions, temperatures, and countless of other traits varied between them. The souls of the Candida Plexus, the Candidans inserted a jolt of white light, much like electricity, and Mizizians blew breath into these worlds. Physical beings began to form from the grains of dirt that touched the waters. So many different colors, sizes, shapes, functions, and textures took form on all of my worlds. We decided to give each one a name, and assign overseers to help maintain the frequency balance of them all. There were nine major overseers of each world, and an endless number of overseers for each physical form or occurrences, like the planets’ movements around their light sources that created weather transformations.

The Solar Plexus became the most popular system of the galaxy. All of the souls wanted the experience of a physical form in our system. We were able to create so much diversity with our frequencies, that some of our worlds and most of our weathers allowed the souls from the Mizizi to the Ailopin Plexuses to visit. We were becoming overcrowded with souls, so we had to find some balance. We had to find a way to give everyone a chance to visit our worlds. Meaning, eventually we had to develop a way of giving the physical forms expiration dates.

Nyambe’s brother, Gaunab offered his services to help escort the souls to and from the different worlds so that everyone would have a fair chance to visit, and their visit would be within a reasonable amount of time. His soul mate, Ala would kiss their foreheads and bind their tongues until they forgot their past lives while living as a physical form in the worlds. Sometimes the souls would get glimpses of their past lives in their dreams, so Ala would send bed bugs to suck the memories of those dreams before they woke.

All of the Supreme Beings of the Solar Plexus took a liking to the physical forms that formed on the worlds. We had a festival in honor of the beings, each of us declared one to be our spirit animal. The ones we speak to in order to get or give information to the physical world. Ala’s was her spiders and critters, mine was snakes. Ala was also one of triplets, she had a brother, Kelechi, and a sister Abhirati. Kelechi assigned himself the eels, he spoke to all the different variations of eels on the different worlds. He was assigned to oversee the waters on the world we called Venus. His sister, Abhirati declared the butterflies to be her spirit animal. She was the overseer of Venus.

We were all living happily and harmoniously, then it happened. Information got back to our home galaxies about the Chakra Plexus and how we made it so we all could live together. The souls became especially interested in the Solar Plexus because of how adaptable it was for all of the other souls. They began making their own physical forms in hopes of making perfect copies of the physical forms we had in our plexuses. Souls with ill intentions invaded the plexuses in the physical forms they created to blend in with the natives. The souls would influence the others whose memories were wiped of Ala, so they had no knowledge of the kind of danger that they were in. Many native forms were eradicated or euthanised by the physical forms the invaders created.

The overseers were connected to their assigned territory through their frequencies, meaning whatever the territory was enduring, the overseer would empathetically endure the same fate. Venus became invaded by the souls that learned this, and deliberately polluted the planet to make the overseers ill. They were unable to keep Venus in its orbit, as its vibes became more and more chaotic. This caused the planet to move in spontaneous motions, disrupting the other planets’ orbits. The weathers on the planet changed, and were unpredictable, making it difficult for the physical forms to survive on that world. Everything began to die, and eventually the world itself was dead.

I was told when the worlds become inhabitable, the overseers die and are reborn, just as its planet or element. Centuries before Venus met its end, Mars was also greeted with the same destruction. It’s overseer, Kukuo has been regenerated along with the other overseers of the world we call Mars, and he is seen walking around in good health again as his world heals itself. It is unknown why no signs of Abhirati and the other overseers of Venus have returned in their initial soul form. We’ve been waiting around, worrying. Gaunab has not seen any of them, so he claims. He can be mischievous if his actions go unseen for too long. Ala believes him. I have never had any reason to be wary of her, but I know gaunab is still her soulmate. I would do anything for my soulmate, so I would expect her to do the same for hers.

During all of this turmoil, me and Nyambe were still in love with our galaxy, with our plexus, and with each other. We became soulmates, aligning our frequencies together to create a new unique frequency that can be seen as a color or heard as a song. This is how we become soulmates in our home galaxy. We decided to have children to share our plexus with and to help us keep watch over it. The frequencies created with a birth from our love would have brought great balance to our plexus once again. We gave life to our twin children, as births in our galaxies are usually in multiples. Our souls being in the womb in multiples teaches them how to share and cohabitate with others at the beginning of their creation, so once they are born they are already selfless spirits.

Liza, our boy, was born a playful soul who enjoyed telling jokes and other things to help uplift others. Because of his joyful attitude, we assigned him to be the overseer of the suns and stars in our plexus. He goes from the suns to the stars to ensure that they stay on their proper orbit in their frequency. He makes sure they don’t cause any collisions, they provide the proper amount of resources to the worlds, and when they’re dying he helps to recycle them. He loved fulfilling his duty to the plexus, and he took pride in his work. He created a network with other souls to help him, and he declared the dragon to be his spirit animal. He would ride on the backs of his dragons throughout the plexus, and disguise his dragons as native lizards to the worlds they lived on so to not startle the other natives of that world.

Our other child, Mahwu, we named her the overseer of the moons in this plexus. She always had a quiet and calm nature about her, making her the perfect person to control the structures in this plexus that adjusted how the sun’s wavelengths affected the temperaments of the physical beings, especially at night when they could not be seen. The moon’s placements and timely itineraries in relation to one another, suns, and stars were essential in this plexus; they determined births, how the physical beings behaved in their lives, and their deaths. Mahwu’s ability to keep an even temper through turmoil has helped us get through so many dangers. She’s prevented wars and planetary destruction. The wolves chose her as a spirit animal. They showed devotion to her at every night fall during their ceremonies and celebrations.

We had a third child, but I was told that he was stillborn. Nyambe did not want me to see how disfigured he was, so he sent our baby to a far away star near what is now called Pluto. His soul would be regenerated there, and he would come back to us. I have waited for him for ages, but it seems like I may not be around to wait for ages more. I leave my story in these quartz walls in hopes that one day he will read them and know that I loved him and thought about him every day.

As more souls arrived to our plexus, Nyambe and I were able to delegate more duties, and I was able to step down from overseeing all of the worlds. I chose to oversee Earth. During my time with Earth, I have watched the rise and fall of many alpha species of the world. There were mainly forms that lived in the waters, then some learned to live on land. While the orbits were being disrupted by Venus and Mars, giant lizards formed on land, water, and air that could breathe fire! Then they got too hot and went back to the water, then back on land as it got cold, and so on and so forth. The souls’ newest physical form walked on two legs and was made of all the elements of all the plexuses. We have come around to calling them hue-mans because of their imitation of the different hues of the worlds as their main membranes, or what they now call, skin.

All of the souls loved to imitate this physical structure. Their hues and other various features changed according to the strength of the sun in each world, and even the other plexuses created their own forms of hue-mans that could survive their suns. They loved being hue-mans so much, that they decided they were going to develop ways to stay in their physical forms for eternities. They sacrificed animals, ate certain plants, and took baths in waters to keep them young and healthy, but they still could not escape their physical death. Generations of physical families were created because they had conscious elements of the upper plexuses ( Koo, Ajna, Taji, Ailopin, and Candida), stories could be passed and remembered among them. Stories of their creation, life interpretations of their existence, and their deaths, and the existence of everything around them. Their lack of desire to physically die turned to fear. Their perception of life changed, and they become dismissive to the necessary balance of the souls and the worlds in this plexus. The souls found joy in drama, fear, and violence because they were exciting stories. Man-made tools were invented to prolong their time in their physical forms to create more stories to tell. Other tools were designed to end the lives of the others. They became obsessed with competition. They became destructive to the other species around them and their environments as their stories convinced themselves there were no consequences to their actions. The souls that entered our plexus thereafter were afraid to be any other physical form from hue-man. They were afraid that every other physical form was at the mercy of the hue-mans and risked being killed and having their physical experience cut short. The imbalance of physical structures affected the growth of the plants, and in some areas there were dried up patches of land, some lands becoming so hot that they catch fire. As the Earth’s health declined, so has mine.

The Supreme beings have debated tirelessly on what to do about the hue-mans. In the meantime, it was decided that no more souls were to enter the Solar Plexus until the planets were realigned. The souls and their position in this plexus are so precise and delicate, that it was in everyone’s best interest if no one interfered with their interactions. Us overseers feared the consequences that could occur with interfering with their life balance. Some overseers became fearful that their element or world would be next to meet its destruction, so they felt it was necessary to interfere now while we still had a chance. That’s why we are meeting today at the Grand Quartz Pyramid, to discuss what we should do about our hue-mans. I personally, have no idea what we should do. I love and care for the hue-man species deeply, but this plexus is much larger than this one species. We have to be responsible and think about the balance of the entire galaxy. However, attempts have been made in the past to eradicate the hue-mans. Floods, fire storms, droughts, and moving planes were used in an attempt to cleanse a planet from the hue-mans that became harmful, but it only helped to distort the history that was passed between the generations of survivors. Increasing their egos, they became more disconnected with the necessary balances and interdependencies of this system.

Nyambe shown a special interest in the hue-mans, sometimes it felt as if he was more worried about their survival than he was of mine or that of the universe’s. We have had many disagreements about what we should do. He had faith that the hue-mans would gain consciousness of their place in this plexus, and it would shift their behaviours back to what they once were when they were first conceived. He watched over them ensuring that no one tried to eradicate them or influence them. As he ensured their safety, I turned my back on the hue-mans, and on Nyambe. I could not keep observing their destructive behaviours. I watched over the other physical beings of the world, and I stood over my children, Liza and Mahwu. I watched them as they both declared their love and loyalty for me over their fear of what would happen if they interfered with hue-mans. I watched them as they found hue-mans they thought would save us all. I hoped that wherever my third child was, that he was safe from all of this, and he remained unaffected.

I am sorry that I never got to meet you in this lifetime.

I declare that these crystal quartz walls of this pyramid of this Solar Plexus keep my story as it was delivered for eons upon eons. I declare that this wall hold my secrets, my truths, and my knowledge for the generations to come after me. Keep my algorithms in these walls to carry on my essence even after my existence. Allow those that call upon me, to see me in these walls.



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